God's Unconditional Love Bible Verses.

     The Art Of Letting Go

              by: Trexie Lei Ladera Binayan

I know whoever reads this might wonder why letting go of an offense and forgiveness are vital in each person’s life.

I guess you and I are not strangers to that question as well. I also have a hard time forgiving people especially if their words are ruthless.

So although they may have hurt us, I guess it’s also necessary for us to also ask ourselves, am I perfect? Am I sinless? And if the answer is no, then we don’t have the right to say I can’t let this offense go.

Having resentment towards other people is bad for our mental health. Keep that in mind. We all know that there are a lot of articles on how we can forgive each other, but have you thought of where forgiveness comes from? Now we’re not talking about religion here. If you’re a bit hesitant because you see people have a different perception when they hear the name, Jesus, right? And I understand that because we came from different upbringings and belief systems.

I know this may be hard to believe, but if we just open our eyes and heart and eliminate the thoughts that are bothering us about who is the first to give meaning to forgiveness. I assure you things will be well if you’re just going to surrender and pray to Him.

Jesus Christ is who I’m talking about. Things that are hard for us to do as mere human beings are not hard for Him. Because He is God Himself. He gave up His life for us so that we can have a relationship with Him.

Then and only then do we experience the meaning of life that we cannot find in this world (money, fame, power, etc…) I know this may sound ridiculous. But as long as you don’t know who Christ is in your life and what it means to have a relationship with Him, we cannot understand the great purpose of forgiveness in our life.

Now we may have a common denominator here, so I want to begin by asking you. Do those people who have hurt you know Christ? If the answer is no, then you can finally understand why they’re doing what they’re doing. People hurt people if they don’t understand the purpose and effect of forgiveness and if they haven’t experienced it yet.

So if you’re already reading this, I hope you learned something from this tiny piece of advice. Forgiveness is a gift from above, please don’t take it for granted. Life is too short to dwell on past hurts and bruises that people or your loved ones have caused you. It is your time to free yourself from those negative emotions you’ve been dealing with for so long. Before I end this letter, I pray that you may have a wondrous life ahead of you, abundant love from people surrounding you, and a forgiving heart just like Jesus. Just always remember God already forgave us so we must also forgive ourselves and others.

Want to read more about forgiveness? Click here.

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